In Celebration of Lavender
It was a day of wonder, laughter, and love of all things Lavender when we opened our studio to a warm community of friends at our first community harvest workshop early on August 5. Held on a sunny warm Saturday morning, our Lavender Harvest workshop was a special opportunity for a group of 12 Sustainability and Lavender enthusiasts to explore their love of this beautiful floral wonder. Guests were invited into our private studio to tour our fragrant Lavender garden, and to harvest to their heart's delight after exploring the differences between the 4 varieties grown at our urban garden setting. After harvesting to their heart's content, guests were then invited into the studio for an afternoon of learning, tasting, experimenting, and sharing of our collective love and interest in the wondrous nature of Lavender and all of its benefits, and was a great way to show our friends that you don't have to have a very big yard or acres of land in order to grow and benefit from organic gardening. Where there is a will, there is a way! Here are some highlights as well as one of the recipes from the very special day.
If you're interested in attending our next workshop, please contact us for a list of upcoming events. We'd love for you to join us!
Lavender Pink Lemonade
1 cup Honey
2 cups Water
1 Tablespoon Organic Lavender Buds
Juice of 3-4 Lemons
Begin by making a Lavender Syrup: Simmer Honey, Water, and Lavender buds over low heat for about 5-10 minutes. Turn the heat off and set aside for 10 minutes. Squeeze fresh juice from the lemons into a pitcher (pour the juice through a strainer to separate & discard seeds). Pour Lavender honey syrup into the Lemon juice. Add desired amount of water to dilute the Honey Lavender concentrate, & stir mixture.
To make your Lemonade pink, strain the juice of Blueberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, or Strawberries through a fine sieve or colander with small holes. Gradually add a little juice at a time until the color of the Lemonade turns the shade of pink you desire.